Metalworking requires a wide range of applications. Used in this sector as Surface Development Center;
- Our own brands or the ones we represent in Turkey;
- YGM branded deburring seals
- Swiss KGS branded metallized textiles
- German Lukas carbide milling cutters
- German Lukas brand deburring seals
- German Lukas nonvowen sheet sanders and mops
- German Lukas brand mop sanders
- German Lukas disc sanders
- German Effgen branded tool sharpening products
- German Effgen branded stone dressing diamonds
- German Effgen cutting and drilling tools
- Italian Saidtools brand sanitary ware CBN products
- Deburring with felts,
- Deburring with carbide milling cutters,
- Deburring with mop and disk sanders,
- Tool sharpening.
- Milling and drilling operations on ultrasonic machines
- Precision grinding
- Supply of diamond, vitrified and resin bonded stones used in tool manufacturing and grinding processes